AlphaTab supports 4 types of vibratos, for each vibrato the amplitude and the wavelength can be configured. The amplitude controls how many semitones the vibrato changes the pitch up and down while playback. The wavelength controls how many midi ticks it will take to complete one up and down vibrato. The 4 vibrato types are:
- Beat Slight - A fast vibrato on the whole beat. This vibrato is usually done with the whammy bar.
- Beat Wide - A slow vibrato on the whole beat. This vibrato is usually done with the whammy bar.
- Note Slight - A fast vibrato on a single note. This vibrato is usually done with the finger on the fretboard.
- Note Wide - A slow vibrato on a single note. This vibrato is usually done with the finger on the fretboard.
Vibrato Settings​
Setting | Type | Default | Summary |
beatSlightAmplitudeJavaScript beatSlightAmplitudeJSON beatslightamplitudeHTML beatSlightAmplitudeAndroid | intAll | 2 | The amplitude for the beat-slight vibrato in semitones. |
beatSlightLengthJavaScript beatSlightLengthJSON beatslightlengthHTML beatSlightLengthAndroid | intAll | 480 | The wavelength of the beat-slight vibrato in midi ticks. |
beatWideAmplitudeJavaScript beatWideAmplitudeJSON beatwideamplitudeHTML beatWideAmplitudeAndroid | intAll | 2 | The amplitude for the beat-wide vibrato in semitones. |
beatWideLengthJavaScript beatWideLengthJSON beatwidelengthHTML beatWideLengthAndroid | intAll | 480 | The wavelength of the beat-wide vibrato in midi ticks. |
noteSlightAmplitudeJavaScript noteSlightAmplitudeJSON noteslightamplitudeHTML noteSlightAmplitudeAndroid | intAll | 0.5 | The amplitude for the note-slight vibrato in semitones. |
noteSlightLengthJavaScript noteSlightLengthJSON noteslightlengthHTML noteSlightLengthAndroid | intAll | 360 | The wavelength of the note-slight vibrato in midi ticks. |
noteWideAmplitudeJavaScript noteWideAmplitudeJSON notewideamplitudeHTML noteWideAmplitudeAndroid | intAll | 1 | The amplitude for the note-wide vibrato in semitones. |
noteWideLengthJavaScript noteWideLengthJSON notewidelengthHTML noteWideLengthAndroid | intAll | 240 | The wavelength of the note-wide vibrato in midi ticks. |