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since 0.9.6


After the rendering completed alphaTab exposes via this lookup the location of the individual notation elements. The lookup provides fast access to the bars and beats at a given location. If the IncludeNoteBounds option was activated also the location of the individual notes can be obtained.


The property contains a BoundsLookup instance which follows a hierarchical structure that represents the tree of rendered elements.

The hierarchy is: staffSystems > bars(1) > bars(2) > beats > notes

  • staffSystems - Represent the bounds of the individual systems ("rows") where staves are contained.
  • bars(1) - Represent the bounds of all bars for a particular master bar across all tracks.
  • bars(2) - Represent the bounds of an individual bar of a track. The bounds on y-axis span the region of the staff and notes might exceed this bounds.
  • beats - Represent the bounds of the individual beats within a track. The bounds on y-axis are equal to the bar bounds.
  • notes - Represent the bounds of the individual note heads/numbers within a track.

Each bounds hierarchy have a visualBounds and realBounds.

  • visualBounds - Represent the area covering all visually visible elements
  • realBounds - Represents the actual bounds of the elements in this beat including whitespace areas.
  • noteHeadBounds (only on notes level) - Represents the area of the note heads or number based on the staff

You can check out the individual sizes and regions

  • Visual Bounds
  • Real Bounds
  • Staff System
  • Master Bars
  • Bars
  • Beats
  • Beat Time
  • Notes
\track "Guitar 1" 12.2{v f} 14.2{v f}.4 :8 15.2 17.2 | 14.1.2 :8 17.2 15.1 14.1{h} 17.2 | 15.2{v d}.4 :16 17.2{h} 15.2 :8 14.2 14.1 17.1{b(0 4 4 0)}.4 | 15.1.8 :16 14.1{tu 3} 15.1{tu 3} 14.1{tu 3} :8 17.2 15.1 14.1 :16 12.1{tu 3} 14.1{tu 3} 12.1{tu 3} :8 15.2 14.2 | 12.2 14.3 12.3 15.2 :32 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h}14.2{h} 15.2{h}14.2{h} 15.2{h}14.2{h} 15.2{h}14.2{h} 15.2{h}14.2{h} 15.2{h}14.2{h} 15.2{h} \track "Guitar 2" 3.3